lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

In the learning of a foreign language is important the very good command of four linguistic skills, these are Listening, speaking, reading and writing, the skills allow the Input or "reception" and output or "production" of information and built the knowledge
 Specially the reading skill has as purpose arrive to reading comprehension that allow integrate information of the text with existing knowledge, Involved different skills interacting as processing phonemic, Recall, Comparing information of your experience, and values that are organized in categories, or schemata for reconstruct the meaning of the text and get a cultural and knowledge through critic thinking, developed for the interpretations and the more interesting is that the learner can apply in your daily routine.

The goals of the activities of the reading  are increment the vocabulary of context , basics expressions, in the next activities you can secure this skill especially to describe movies and TV shows



Avatar is a 2009 science fiction film directed by James Cameron. The movie takes place on a distant moon called Pandora, which orbits a large, gas planet. Humans move to the moon to extract a natural resource they call “unobtanium”. As humans begin to mine the planet, a native species fights against them. The humans attempt to learn more about the species by building a clone that can connect to the mind of an operator. The concept is similar to driving a car by remote control. Jake Sully, the person selected to run the avatar, however, becomes sympathetic to the alien beings living there and turns against the humans. The film earned praise from critics and audiences. During its theatrical release, it earned more money at the box office than any other film before it.

1. Identify new vocabulary reading

Take place:
Box office

2. Read the text 
3.  Answer the following questions

4.Complete the following link activity about of movie Avatar


 The films reviews have an identifiable structure, these are:

1. The introduction contains the theme of the film and an overall assessment that allows us a quick idea of the critical position without reading the rest of the review.

2. Secondly, we have a summary of the story, without elaborating.

3. Thirdly, there is a critical analysis of the film: the work of its director, actors, film style, special effects, costumes, etc.

4. The conclusion serves to make an overall assessment based on all the arguments provided in the analysis, and also to give other technical details about the equipment involved in the making of the film.
In the next exercise you should read the review of a recent movie, Gravity,( which is adapted from The Guardian, then you must arrange the paragraphs in the usual order of a review, the following link Educaplay 

Link educaplay 

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